- //her out put is null because we are not assigne value of string and intigersclass student {int age;String name;public void show () {System.out.println( name +" " +age );}}public class encapsulation {public static void main(String[] args) {student obj = new student();obj.show();}}
- // here we are get access methode creating new methode and privet ketword use for hide your dataclass student {private int age;private String name;public void setdata (){age = 19;name = "rakesh";}public void show () {System.out.println( name +" " +age );}}public class encapsulation1 {public static void main(String[] args) {student obj = new student();obj.setdata();obj.show();}}
- class student{int age;String name;public void show (){System.out.println(name + " " + age );}public void setdata1( int a ){age = a;}public void setdata2( String b ){name = b;}}public class encapculation2 {public static void main(String[] args) {student obj = new student();obj.setdata1(18);obj.setdata2("rakesh");obj.show();}}
- //if both variable and instance variable have same inside the//methode then it would result in same-class adn jvm he always give perfrance in//local variable this appraoch is called the "shadowing problem"class student{int age;String name;public void show (){System.out.println(name + " " + age );}public void setdata1( int age ){//age = age;//here}public void setdata2( String name ){//name = name;//here}}public class encapculation3 {public static void main(String[] args) {student obj = new student();obj.setdata1(18);obj.setdata2("rakesh");obj.show();}}//programme will be work but is not a right way for write a programme
- //shadowing problem solve using "this." methodeclass student{int age;String name;public void show (){System.out.println(name + " " + age );}public void setdata1( int age ){this.age = age;}public void setdata2( String name ){this.name = name;}}public class encapculaton4 {public static void main(String[] args) {student obj = new student();student obj1 = new student();obj1.setdata1(18);obj.setdata1(22);obj.setdata2("Amit");obj1.setdata2("rakesh");obj1.show();obj.show();}}
- //how to use getters and settersclass student {int age;String Name;public void show (){System.out.println(Name +" " +age);}public void setAge(int age){this.age =age;}public int getAge(){return age;}public void setName(String Name){this.Name =Name;}public String getName(){return Name;}}public class encapsulaton5 {public static void main(String[] args) {student obj = new student();obj.setAge(25);obj.setName("Rahul");int sudent1Age = obj.getAge();System.out.println(sudent1Age);String sudent1Name = obj.getName();System.out.println(sudent1Name);}}